
Integrating existing in-cluster routers

If there is a router already present on the node either running natively or in a container, PureLB can use that router to advertise routes to load-balancer addresses. This functionality depends on the routing software being able to manipulate the Linux Routing table or FIB. This is a necessary requirement to update the hosts routing table so it therefore likely.

Exporting routes from PureLB.

Using the redistribution or route import functions import routes from the routing table that are attached to the device kube-lb0.

Kube-proxy in ipvs mode creates a device and uses a similar name kube-ipvs0. Take care to not import those routes as they include end-point routes and are not summarized (all /32). kube-ipvs0 will add a lot of unnecessary and insecure routes and if a route with a more specific route (/32) is advertised it will be selected

Importing routes to PureLB

PureLB does not require any changes to route import configuration.